Madrid : Serving in the military of any country is an esteemed job, but when the country’s princess joins the army, it becomes a matter of wonder. This is exactly what has happened in Spain.
Princess Leonor of Spain has become a part of her country’s armed forces, which has garnered attention worldwide.
Princess Leonor, who resides at the palace, will now participate in military training wearing a heavy army uniform and a beret. The topic has gained significant global attention.
Despite being only 17 years old, Princess Leonor will take part in combat training with her country’s military. She made the decision to undergo three years of military training. She is the daughter of Spain’s King Felipe and Queen Letizia. Last Thursday, she was bid farewell by her family for military training. Princess Leonor had arrived at the Army Academy on Thursday. Other members of her family were also present.
According to international media, Princess Leonor had applied for this position in March. She has expressed her intention to undergo rigorous military training for the next three years.